In the heart of a wooded and undulating countryside, the Pyramid of the Wolf awaits you for an exploration in the universe of the wolf and biodiversity…
The main mission of the Pyramid of the Wolf is to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity by walking along a museographic and recreational route. Indeed, it is essential in this day and age to communicate on the protection of endangered species and to allow children and adults alike to exchange opinions on the subject.
Tomorrow will be another day with these issues that will be felt more acutely, such as climate change, man-made pollution, deforestation, etc., but in the meantime, isn’t it crucial to awaken the youngest to the protection and safeguarding of the environment? Everyone has their role to play… This is what we are modestly trying to achieve at the Pyramid of the Wolf.
The Wolf Pyramid is not only an eco-museum but also a place for exchange where events are held throughout the year, such as the International Day of Biodiversity, Star Night, International Bat Day and Wolf Days. Why? To move forward, to better understand our environment, to choose the world we want to leave to our children, to debate the place we want to leave to wildlife… The stakes are high, that’s why we bring passionate people, scientists, naturalists, lecturers to share their knowledge.